Alicat 气體(tǐ)质量流量计 Aalborg 热式气體(tǐ)质量流量计 Accurate Thermal Systems LLC AW Gear Meters Agilent 氦检漏仪和分(fēn)子泵 APG 压力和液位仪表 AMETEK 压力温度校准 Bronkhorst 气/液质量流量计 Badger Meter Barksdale 控制产品 Condec 压力校准 Danfoss 温度压力传感器和阀 GE Druke Dynaflox 超声波流量计 Dynasonics 超声波流量计 ECOM America 烟气分(fēn)析仪 EESIFLO 超声波流量计和油中水监测仪 Emerson Rosemount 仪器仪表 FLOMEC 流量计 Fluke 校准设备 Fox Thermal 热式气體(tǐ)质量流量计 Greyline 超声波流量/液位计 Isotech 温度校准设备 Kaye Instruments Keller 压力测量 Leyro Instruments Mensor 压力控制仪 Martel 校准仪 MesaLabs Meriam 压力计 ITT Neo-Dyn 压力温度开关 NoShok 压力测量 GE Panametrics Palmer Wahl 压力温度测量校准 PIE Instruments 校准仪 英國(guó)Planer 程序冷冻仪 Ralston 压力仪表 Setra 压力测量 Sensing Precision 压力流量测量 SIKA 温度校准和流量测量 Truflo 流量计 Teledyne 真空计和质量流量计 Vitrek電(diàn)气安全测试仪 Weed 温度变送器 Wohler 工业视频内窥镜和管道清洁系统 Shibin
AceGlass 实验室反应装置 Across international AccuTemp真空烘箱 Adolf Wolf SANOclav 高压灭菌器 Agilent 氦检漏仪和分(fēn)子泵 Analytical Industries Inc氧气分(fēn)析仪 Analox 气體(tǐ)检测 Alpha Omega Instruments 氧气分(fēn)析仪 ATAGO 折光仪 Bacharach 检漏仪 BELLCO GLASS 实验室玻璃器皿和设备 BINDER 实验室箱體(tǐ) Carbolite Gero 马弗炉 Det-Tronics 气體(tǐ)检测和火焰探测 E Instruments 气體(tǐ)检测 Emerson Rosemount 仪器仪表 Fresenius 气體(tǐ)分(fēn)析仪 Heidolph实验设备 HF Scientific 水质仪器 H2scan HACH哈希 水质分(fēn)析仪器 IMR Environmental Equipment Michell 露点湿度计 Mahr 测量工具和仪器 Net Safety 在線(xiàn)气體(tǐ)检测 Nova Analytical Systems 气體(tǐ)分(fēn)析仪 OLEBVAP Organomation 氮吹仪 GE Panametrics Parker Hannifin 气體(tǐ)发生器 英國(guó)Planer 程序冷冻仪 PolyScience冷水机 PureAire 气體(tǐ)检测 Rayonet 光致反应设备 Reichert 折光仪 ShelLab 培养箱 Siemens西门子 过程仪表和分(fēn)析仪器 SI Analytics 分(fēn)析仪器 Spectrex火焰探测器 Teledyne 真空计和质量流量计 ThermoFisher分(fēn)析仪器 VIASENSOR 气體(tǐ)分(fēn)析仪 Wohler 工业视频内窥镜和管道清洁系统 二手仪器
AccuTrak 超声波检漏仪 AdashAmerica测振仪 Agilent 氦检漏仪和分(fēn)子泵 Airy Technology粒子计数器 Analytical Industries Inc氧气分(fēn)析仪 Alpha Omega Instruments 氧气分(fēn)析仪 ATAGO 折光仪 Bacharach 检漏仪 Chatillon 推拉力计 Det-Tronics 气體(tǐ)检测和火焰探测 GE Druke Dynamic Solutions EdgeTech 冷镜露点仪 EDC 环境颗粒物(wù)监测 ERBESSD INSTRUMENTS EESIFLO 超声波流量计和油中水监测仪 E Instruments 气體(tǐ)检测 Emerson Rosemount 仪器仪表 Enerac 气體(tǐ)分(fēn)析仪 Fisher Labs Fluke 校准设备 Fresenius 气體(tǐ)分(fēn)析仪 Gardco 测试设备 GfG 气體(tǐ)检测 Extech 视频内窥镜 Hawkeye H2scan HACH哈希 水质分(fēn)析仪器 IMR Environmental Equipment Metrix 振动监测 Monarch 频闪仪/转速表 Michell 露点湿度计 Mahr 测量工具和仪器 MARK-10 推拉力和扭矩测量 MBW Calibration MesaLabs Megabras 微欧计/绝缘测试仪 Net Safety 在線(xiàn)气體(tǐ)检测 Nova Analytical Systems 气體(tǐ)分(fēn)析仪 OUTLAND 水下视频设备 GE Panametrics Palmer Wahl 压力温度测量校准 PhyMetrix 露点仪湿度计 PTC Instruments 硬度计 PureAire 气體(tǐ)检测 Reichert 折光仪 RKI 气體(tǐ)检测仪器 Rotronic罗卓尼克 Sensing Precision 压力流量测量 SE International 辐射检测仪 Spectrex火焰探测器 Transducer称重传感器 Tramex水分(fēn)仪 UE Systems 超声波检测仪 VIASENSOR 气體(tǐ)分(fēn)析仪 Wohler 工业视频内窥镜和管道清洁系统 Shibin 二手仪器
万用(yòng)表/钳形表/電(diàn)流表 兆欧表/微欧表/電(diàn)阻测试仪
AceGlass 实验室反应装置 AEMC 電(diàn)力仪器 Associated Research 高压绝缘测试仪 B&K Precision 可(kě)编程電(diàn)源 Dranetz 電(diàn)能(néng)质量分(fēn)析仪 DV Power 断路器分(fēn)析仪 ETI 断路器测试仪 FW Bell 高斯计 Hipotronics 耐压测试仪 意大利HT Instruments IET Labs 電(diàn)阻测试 Infratek 功率分(fēn)析仪 Megger 電(diàn)力仪器 Megabras 微欧计/绝缘测试仪 Palmer Wahl 压力温度测量校准 PowerSight 電(diàn)能(néng)质量分(fēn)析仪 Seaward 電(diàn)气安全测试仪 Trico Vitrek電(diàn)气安全测试仪 德國(guó)W-IE-NE-R 德國(guó)iseg 机箱和多(duō)通道電(diàn)源 Wilcom 光纤仪器 Shibin
手动泵/ 计量泵/真空泵/增压泵 分(fēn)子泵/离子泵/扩散泵
Accu-Seal 封口机 AceGlass 实验室反应装置 Agilent 氦检漏仪和分(fēn)子泵 AMETEK 压力温度校准 Aries FilterWorks 过滤系统 Cat Pumps 泵 Conax 温度传感器和连接器 GE Druke Emerson Rosemount 仪器仪表 Engineered Prod Equipment Flo-tech 液压测试仪 Fresenius 气體(tǐ)分(fēn)析仪 Gardco 测试设备 Graco固瑞克 喷涂机 GSSI 混凝土结构透视仪 Hass Manufacturing Company 阀门 Haskel 增压泵 Hydraulics International增压泵 Ismatec 泵 瑞士JCEM 打褶机 Jewell 倾角仪和加速度计 Jaesung Engineering 旋涂机/蚀刻机 KEYSTONE阀门和执行器 LEESON 電(diàn)机 Lero雷诺 液压测试仪 Lynair气缸 Meggitt 振动传感器 Mensor 压力控制仪 Meriam 压力计 英國(guó)Mucon 阀门 OhmniLabs 可(kě)编程机器人 PackRite 封口机 Palmer Wahl 压力温度测量校准 Ralston 压力仪表 TRIVACO 阀门 Tippmann蒂普曼 模切机 Transducer称重传感器 Trico Ultraflo 蝶阀和执行器 US Stoneware 研磨机 德國(guó)VMA高速分(fēn)散机 Vacuum Research Corp真空计/阀/泵 VRC阀门定位器 Wohler 工业视频内窥镜和管道清洁系统 Shibin
BellcoGlass Bell-ennium数字磁力搅拌器1-9位BellcoGlass Bell-ennium数字磁力搅拌器1位Bell-ennium磁力搅拌器设计用(yòng)于旋转瓶中的细胞培养以及需要使用(yòng)磁力搅拌设备的常规实验室程序。钟罩式搅拌器為(wèi)实验室研究人员提供了广泛的功能(néng)和搅拌技术的*新(xīn)创新(xīn)。钟罩式搅拌器具有(yǒu)无刷免维护直流電(diàn)动机,其驱动组件设计用(yòng)于安静运行。不锈钢盖盖上印有(yǒu)戳记,以显示容器位置,以实现精确放置和*佳性能(néng)。Bell-ennium单位置薄型底盘尺寸為(wèi)10 x 11 x 3 3/8“,设计為(wèi)可(kě)并排安装在Bellco恒温箱中。单元由标准的24V串联電(diàn)源供電(diàn),并且符合CE要求。规格:针数:一(1)*大烧瓶尺寸:8升速度范围:30 – 500 Rpm +/- 2%尺寸:10″ WX 11″ DX 31/2″ H(25x28x8.5cm)功耗:*大10瓦電(diàn)气:230V / 24V 1安培熔融环境条件(工作):室内使用(yòng),污染度2,4°至50°C,相对湿度0-90%,无冷凝。环境条件(非操作):-10°至60°C,*大相对湿度95%。7785-D1108,Bell-ennium数字電(diàn)磁搅拌器1位115v 8L7785-D1136,Bell-ennium数字電(diàn)磁搅拌器1位115v 36L7785-D1208,Bell-ennium数字電(diàn)磁搅拌器1位230v 8L7785-D1236,Bell-ennium数字電(diàn)磁搅拌器1位230v 36LBellcoGlass Bell-ennium数字電(diàn)磁搅拌器2位Bell-ennium磁力搅拌器设计用(yòng)于旋转瓶中的细胞培养以及需要使用(yòng)磁力搅拌设备的常规实验室程序。钟罩式搅拌器為(wèi)研究人员提供了广泛的功能(néng)和搅拌技术的*新(xīn)创新(xīn)。钟罩式搅拌器具有(yǒu)无刷免维护直流電(diàn)动机,其驱动组件设计用(yòng)于安静运行。不锈钢盖被冲压以显示*佳位置,以精确放置容器。重型磁铁组件可(kě)提供*佳的磁耦合,同时所有(yǒu)位置上的同步皮带可(kě)确保均匀搅拌容器内的物(wù)料。LCD显示屏具有(yǒu)易于读取的0.55英寸字符的功能(néng)。低矮的牡蛎白色底盘只有(yǒu)3½英寸的高度,可(kě)以在引擎盖下留出空间,并且可(kě)以背靠背安装在Bellco孵化器中。每个搅拌器*多(duō)可(kě)容纳两个8L旋转瓶。单元由标准的24V串联電(diàn)源供電(diàn),并且符合CE要求。规格:针数:2*大烧瓶尺寸:8升速度范围:30-500 Rpm +/- 2%尺寸:20″ WX 11″ DX 3.5″ H(51 X 28 X 8.9cm)消耗功率:12瓦電(diàn)气:115安培/ 24伏直流電(diàn)(1安培)环境条件(工作):室内使用(yòng),污染度2,4°至50°C,相对湿度0-90%,无冷凝。环境条件(非操作):-10°至60°C,*大相对湿度95%。7785-D1502,Bell-ennium数字電(diàn)磁搅拌器2位115v,8L7785-D1512,Bell-ennium数字電(diàn)磁搅拌器2位230v,8L7785-D1531,Bell-ennium数字電(diàn)磁搅拌器2位置115v w /终面板控制7785-D1532,Bell-ennium数字電(diàn)磁搅拌器2位置230v,带端面板控件BellcoGlass Bell-ennium数字電(diàn)磁搅拌器5位Bell-ennium磁力搅拌器设计用(yòng)于旋转瓶中的细胞培养以及需要使用(yòng)磁力搅拌设备的常规实验室程序。钟罩式搅拌器為(wèi)实验室研究人员提供了广泛的功能(néng)和搅拌技术的*新(xīn)创新(xīn)。钟罩式搅拌器具有(yǒu)无刷免维护直流電(diàn)动机,其驱动组件设计用(yòng)于安静运行。不锈钢盖被盖章,以显示五个容器位置,以实现精确放置和*佳性能(néng)。重型磁铁组件可(kě)提供*佳的磁耦合,同时所有(yǒu)位置上的同步皮带可(kě)确保均匀搅拌容器内的物(wù)料。Bell-ennium 5位矮型底盘尺寸為(wèi)16.5 x 18 x 3英寸,设计為(wèi)可(kě)并排安装在Bellco恒温箱中。规格:针数:5*大烧瓶尺寸:1升(*多(duō)5艘船)或3升(*多(duō)4艘船)速度范围:30-500 Rpm +/- 2%尺寸:16.5英寸X 18英寸X 3英寸(41 X 45 X 8.5厘米)重量:18磅(8.2公斤)消耗功率:12瓦電(diàn)气额定值:1Amp时可(kě)熔断230vac / 24vdc环境条件(工作):室内使用(yòng),污染度2,4°至50°C,相对湿度0-90%,无冷凝。环境条件(非操作):-10°至60°C,*大相对湿度95%。7785-D2005,Bell-ennium数字電(diàn)磁搅拌器5位115v7785-D2015,Bell-ennium数字電(diàn)磁搅拌器5位230V7785-D5005,Bell-ennium数字紧凑型電(diàn)磁搅拌器5位115v7785-D5015,Bell-ennium数字紧凑型電(diàn)磁搅拌器5位230vBellcoGlass Bell-ennium数字電(diàn)磁搅拌器9位Bell-ennium磁力搅拌器设计用(yòng)于旋转瓶中的细胞培养以及需要使用(yòng)磁力搅拌设备的常规实验室程序。钟罩式搅拌器為(wèi)实验室研究人员提供了广泛的功能(néng)和搅拌技术的*新(xīn)创新(xīn)。钟罩式搅拌器具有(yǒu)无刷免维护直流電(diàn)动机,其驱动组件设计用(yòng)于安静运行。不锈钢盖被盖章显示九个容器位置,以实现精确放置和*佳性能(néng)。磁铁组件提供了出色的磁耦合,同时在所有(yǒu)位置上的同步皮带确保了容器内容物(wù)的均匀搅拌。Bell-ennium 9位矮型底盘尺寸為(wèi)16 1/2 x 18 x 3 3/8”,设计為(wèi)可(kě)并排安装在Bellco恒温箱中。规格:针数:9*大烧瓶尺寸:500毫升(*多(duō)9艘船,颈部直径70毫米)速度范围:30-500 Rpm +/- 2%尺寸:16.5英寸X 18英寸X 3 3/8英寸(41 X 45 X 8.5厘米)重量:18磅(8.2公斤)消耗功率:16瓦電(diàn)气额定值:1Amp时可(kě)熔断230vac / 24vdc环境条件(工作):室内使用(yòng),污染度2,4°至50°C,相对湿度0-90%,无冷凝。环境条件(非操作):-10°至60°C,*大相对湿度95%。7785-D9005,Bell-ennium数字電(diàn)磁搅拌器9位115v7785-D9015,Bell-ennium数字電(diàn)磁搅拌器9位230v
Benchmark TubeRollers are designed for the gentle, throrough mixing of a varietyof containers, including Vacutainers™, bottles, test tubes, centrifuge tubes and roller botles. Both models (5 roller and 10 roller) operate at a constant 38rpm, chosen as the optimum speed for the broadest range of mixing requirements.As the roller mechanism rotates through each complete revolution, the right side ofeach roller is gently elevated about 0.5 in (13mm) and returns to the horizontal starting position. This additional, gentle up/down motion provides a "wave" effectand guarantees that the entire sample is subjected to complete, thorough mixing, end to end. This built in tilt feature provides a level of homogeneous mixing uniformity that can not be matched by any stationary roller apparatus.From blood collection tubes to roller bottles, Benchmark TubeRollers are the ideal choice for research, clinical laboratories and doctors' offices.Speed:Fixed, 38 rpm (+/- 10%)Tilt Angle:+/- 5°Motion:Simultaneous roll & tiltOperating Temp. Range+4 to +40°CDimensions:R3005: 18 x 7 x 3.5in. / 45 x 18 x 9 cmR3010: 18 x 14 x 3.5 in./ 45x 36 x 9 cmNumber of Rollers:R3005: 5 / R3010: 10Weight:R3005: 5kg (11bs) / R3010: 8kg (17.6lbs)Roller Dimensions:12 x 12.5 in. / 3 x 32 cmVessels Accepted::8mm to 200mm (diameter)Roller Spacing:5mm (rollers are on 35mm centers)Electrical:115V or 230V, 50-60HzWarranty:2 YearsR3005-E,TubeRoller with 5 rollersR3010-E,TubeRoller with 10 rollers
Benchmark Scientific Rotating Mixer The Benchmark Rotating Mixer provides gentle to vigorous mixing of laboratory samples up to 50ml. With adjustable speed control and tilt angle, the Rotating Mixer is ideal for a variety of applications, from mixing blood samples to the preparation of homogenous dispersions.Three rotisserie tube holders are included for mixing all common laboratory sample tubes and each individual tube holder is rubber coated to provide a secure grip, preventing any "wobble" or loosening during mixing at high speeds.Speed:Variable, 1 to 40 rpmTilt Angle:Variable, 0° to 90°Capacity:12 x 50ml, 20 x 15ml or 48 x 2.0mlTimer:1 second to 9 hours, or continuousOperating Temp. Range+4 to +60°CDimensions:(w x d x h)8.25 x 10.5 x 12.5 in.21 x 27 x 32cmWeight:7 lbs (3.2kg)Electrical:100V to 240V, 50-60Hz, 25WWarranty:2 YearsR5010-E,Benchmark Rotating Mixer Includes three rotisserie tube holders (12 x 50ml, 20x15ml & 48x1.5/2.0ml)
Benchmark Scientific OrbiShaker CO2 The new Orbi-Shaker CO2 series is designed for shaking, mixing& aeration applications in extreme environments, including CO2 incubators. It can withstand temperatures from 0 to 60°C and humidity levels up to 100%.To avoid con***ination, unintentional release of gas or deviations from protocol, all settings are adjusted via the included remote control module. This module can be stored outside of the chamber and connects to the shaker via a flat (1mm thickness) cable, that easily passes through a port or underneath an incubator door without compromising the seal. This allows for user adjustment of run time or mixing speed without opening the chamber door(s).The instrument is supplied with a non-slip rubber mat platform. In addition, convenient MAGic Clamp™ platforms (of multiple sizes) are also available for use with Erlenmeyer flasks and test tube racks. The unique magnetic attachment method (PATENTED) has been widely recognized as the easiest way to instantly change between flask clamps of different sizes.Speed:Variable, 30 to 300 rpmOrbit:19mmMax. Capacity:5 x 1L (14 lbs / 6 kg)Speed Increment:1 rpmPlatform Dimensions:13 x 12 in./ 33 x 30 cm (Included)14 x 12 in./ 35 x 30 cm (MAGic Clamp)Cord Length:60.5 in. / 154 cmOperating Temp. Range0° to +65°CDimensions:(w x d x h)11 x 13 x 3 in.28 x 33x 7.5 cmWeight:25 lbs (11.25kg)Electrical:120V or 230V, 50-60Hz 600WWarranty:2 YearsBT4000-E,OrbiShaker CO2 with flat mat platform (13x13")BT4010-E,OrbiShaker CO2 XL with flat mat platform (16x16.5") Optional Platforms (Magic Clamp Universal)BT3000-MR,MAGic Clamp™ universal platform (for BT4000) for flasks and tube racks (14 x 12 in)BT4010-MR,MAGic Clamp™ universal platform (for XL model) for flasks and tube racks (16 x 16.5 in)H1010-MR,MAGic Clamp™ universal platform (for XL model) for flasks and tube racks (18 x 18 in) Optional Platforms (misc.)H1000-P-MP,Dedicated platform for 4 microplatesH100-P-125,Dedicated platform, 12 x 125mlH1000-P-250,Dedicated platform, 8 x 250mlH1000-P-500,Dedicated platform, 5 x 500mlH1000-P-SP,Universal Spring loaded platform, (for irregular vessels)
Benchmark Scientific BT30-E,OrbiBlotter. with flat mat platformThe Orbi-Blotter™ features a gentle orbital motion with speed control down to as little as 3 rpm, making it the ideal orbital choice for low speed applications, such as blotting, washing, staining/destaining, etc. A large 14x12 in. work surface is included along with a non-slip rubber mat for holding trays, dishes, plates and other flat vessels.An optional stacking platform can be purchased as an accessory, effectively doubling the usable work surface. The maintenance free, brushless motor is capable of loads up to 2kg and is safe for use in cold rooms and incubators.Speed:Variable, 3 to 70 rpmOrbit:19mmMax. Capacity:3 x 2L (9 lbs / 4 kg)Platform Dimensions:14 x 12 in./ 35 x 30 cmOperating Temp. Range+4 to +45°CDimensions:(w x d x h)14 x 12 x 8 in.35.5 x 30.5 x 20 cmWeight:7.5 lbs (3.4kg)Electrical:120 or 230V, 50-60Hz 50WWarranty:2 YearsBT30-E,OrbiBlotter. with flat mat platform BR2000-STACK,Optional stacking platform with flat mat, 14 x 12 in.BR2000-SP,Optional stacking extender set, adds 1.25" clearance to stavking platform
BT1010-E,Orbi-Shaker XL with flat mat platformThe Orbi-Shaker XL offers flask capacity that far exceeds that of most benchtop models. With a large 18 x 18 inch platform and a powerful, beltless motor drive, the Orbi-Shaker XL is capable of mixing up to five 2L flasks or nine 1L flasks simultaneously. The included, non-slip rubber mat platform is ideal for low speed applications, while the convenient MAGic Clamp™ platform is also available for high speed mixing of Erlenmeyer flasks, tube racks or microplates. The MAGic Clamp™ allows for instant flask clamp exchange without the use of tools, screws or any other hardward (PATENTED).Speed:Variable, 30 to 300 rpmOrbit:19mm / 3/4 in.Max. Capacity:5 x 2L or 9 x 1LMax. Load:65 lbs (30kg)Speed Increment:1 RPMPlatform Dimensions:17.8 x 17.8 in./ 45 x 45 cmDimensions:(w x d x h)18.5 x 21.25 x 5 in. / 47 x 54 x 12.5 cmWeight:65 lbs (30kg)Timer:1 min. to 48 hours / continuousElectrical:115 or 230V, 50-60Hz, 450WWarranty:2 YearsBT1010-E,Orbi-Shaker XL with flat mat platform Optional PlatformsH1010-MR,MAGic Clamp™ universal platform for flasks and tube racks (18 x 18 in.)H1010-P-SP,Spring platform for unique vessel typesH1010-P-MP,6 x microplate platform
BT1500-E,OrbiShaker MP microplate shaker/vortexer with platform for 4 microplatesThe Orbi-Shaker MP.™ is designed with a 3mm mixing orbit, optimized for thorough mixing of microplates and/or PCR plates. Up to four plates (standard or deep well) can be placed on the included platform and are instantly secured without the use of springs, clamps or tools.Digital speed control up to 1500 rpm3mm orbit for thorough mixing in microplatesIncludes platform for up to 4 microplatesCold room and incubator safeOptional adapters for mixing microtubesBT300-E,OrbiShaker JR. with flat mat platform Optional PlatformsH1000-MR,MAGic Clamp™ universal platform for flasks and tube racksBT300-RP,Adjustable spring platform for unique vessel types
Benchmark Scientific BT3000-E,OrbiShaker with flat mat platform The powerful Orbi-Shaker is capable of mixing a 14lb load capacity up to speeds as high as 300 rpm. The standard platform (included) features a non-slip, rubber coated surface, ideal for tissue culture flasks, petri dishes and staining trays.The convenient MAGic Clamp™ platform (PATENT PENDING) is also available for use with Erlenmeyer flasks and test tube racks. The unique, magnetic attachment method (PATENTED) is the easiest way to instantly change between flask clamps of different sizes.High capacity, up to 9 x 500ml, 5 x 1L or 2 x 2LHorizontally circular 19mm orbit for aeration & mixingDigital speed control up to 300 rpmInstantly exchange flask clamps with MAGic Clamp™ accessories (PATENTED)Speed:Variable, 30 to 300 rpmOrbit:19mmMax. Capacity:5 x 1L (14 lbs / 6 kg)Speed Increment:1 rpmPlatform Dimensions:13 x 12 in./ 33 x 30 cm (Included)14 x 12 in./ 35 x 30 cm (MAGic Clamp)Operating Temp. Range+4 to +65°CDimensions:(w x d x h)11 x 13 x 3 in.28 x 33x 7.5 cmWeight:25 lbs (11.25kg)Electrical:120V or 230V, 50-60Hz 600WWarranty:2 YearsBT3000-E,Benchmark Scientific OrbiShaker with flat mat platformOptional PlatformsBT3000-MR,MAGic Clamp™ universal platform for flasks and tube racks (14 x 12 in)H1000-P-SP,Universal spring platform for unique vessel typesH1000-P-MP,Dedicated platform for 4 microplatesH100-P-125,Dedicated platform, 12 x 125mlH1000-P-250,Dedicated platform, 8 x 250mlH1000-P-500,Dedicated platform, 5 x 500ml
Benchmark Scientific Incu-Mixer MP 系列漩涡混合器The new Incu-Mixer MP series by Benchmark Scientific is designed to provide an optimal method for vortexing and incubating microplates. Simultaneous heating from both the bottom surface and the lid provide temperature uniformity throughout the sample. Additionally, the heated lid minimizes evaporation and prevents condensation.A compact, 2mm orbit ensures thorough mixing in microplates without splashing. Speed, time and temperature are all displayed in real time on the large LCD screen while an internal validation system constantly monitors all parameters for accuracy.Designed for application flexibility, the Incu-Mixer series is available in two, and four-plate capacities, both capable of accepting all standard plates up to 40mm high. Independent time, temperature and speed controls allow the mixer to function as 3 machines in one; a multi-plate incubator, vortexer, or a combination of the two. The Incu-Mixer MP series is ideal for a wide variety of molecular biology applications including immunochemical reactions, enzyme and protein analysis, and microarray analysis.优化培养微孔板中混合热盖防止冷凝接受板块高达46毫米高(4片型号)独立控制时间,温度。和速度可(kě)在双板,四板格式订货信息:H6002-E,Incu-Mixer MP2,两位漩涡混合器Two position incubated plate vortexerH6004-E,Incu-Mixer MP4,四位漩涡混合器Four position incubated plate vortexer
Benchmark Scientific MultiTherm shaker 特点:温度控制在0〜100℃可(kě)交换块,管尺寸0.2至50ml精密异形孔均匀热转印两种型号:热/冷或热只用(yòng)于连接或重复序列程序链接功能(néng)(HC型号)订货信息:H5000-HC-E,MultiTherm shaker with heating & coolingH5000-H-E,MultiTherm shaker with heating onlyH5000-02,Block, 96 x 0.2ml or 1 x PCR plateH5000-05,Block, 54 x 0.5mlH5000-CMB,Block, combination, 15x0.5ml & 20 x 1.5mlH5000-15,Block,35 x 1.5mlH5000-20,Block, 35 x 2.0mlH5000-12,Block, 24 x 12mm (Max. speed: 1200 rpm)H5000-150,Block, 12 x 15ml (Max speed: 750 rpm)H5000-500,Block, 6 x 50ml (Max. Speed: 750 rpm)H50000-MP,Block, 1 x microplate (Ambient -10° to 80°C)H5000-DWMP,Block, 1 x microplate, deepwell (Ambient -10° to 80°C)H5000-WB,Block, multipurpose for water, beads, etc. (4x2.6x1")H5000-1232,Block, 24 x 2ml AutoSample (HPLC) vials (12x32mm)H5000-025,Block, 48 x 250ul vial insert (6x30mm)